I spent WAY too much time online today. But I suppose it's all relative (seeing as I spend WAY more time out of doors these days). The Blog Guidebook (my other online venture, if you didn't know) needed a facelift. So that's what I've been working tirelessly on since Maya's nap time today. There are still some bells and whistles to work out, but for the most part it's up and running. Know what I love most? That it compliments the clean design of this blog rather nicely. Click on over to check it out:

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You know how I found you? I noticed your kind comments to Holly {@hollyaplus} Stephanie Nielson {@nieniedialogues} and Mindy Gledhill {@mindygledhill} on Instagram and I thought to myself, "I want to know more about this sweet person." So I clicked on your name on IG and was enthralled with your photos and style. I used to be able to pull off your adorable and chic hair style when I was younger and thinner. ;) It looks wonderful on you.;) Furthermore, I could see you were a family gal, like me too, with gobs of sweet photos of your kids and fam. It wasn't until seeing your photo on IG today about your facelift for the Blog Guidebook that I realized you were the creative genius behind that blog. So now I learn you are this graphic designer extraordinaire. What a beautiful life you have made for yourself. I am tickled pink to have gotten to know you on IG. To find we are Sisters in the Gospel is icing on the cake. :) I appreciate all your likes and kind comments to me on IG. Thank you for being one of the bees President Packer spoke of by sharing your Christian kindness. It hasn't gone unnoticed by me and certainly not by Heavenly Father. Very Sincerely, Shan from Family Brings Joy {@familybringsjoy} :D
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