We're off! In a cloud of dust...er...spray of water. It's pouring here. It has been all week. So what's the BEST thing for two wild kiddos who've been cooped up all week? A 6 hour car ride. Followed by a 3 hour plane ride topped with airport lines.
Super fun, ya'll! WOAH. That was the Texan in me comin' right on out.
(I can't stop it!!) We'll be in Texas for one week, then Arizona for the next. And I am traveling sans laptop (gulp...separation anxiety). So posting might be few and far between. But rest assured I'll be back with all of my hand made gift ideas to share (for next year), and a travel hangover.
Can't wait. Hope everyone has a great Holiday!
Need a little extra Chrsitmas Spirit? Visit THIS wonderful site.
(Look at us: We're so happy and carefree...just like those people who don't know we're sitting behind them on the plane tomorrow. Watch out! The Griswold
Johnson—Christmas Vacation is about to commence!)
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Merry Christmas! Maybe it will turn out better than you think (the traveling that is). Good luck!
Hugs and kisses to all!
Oh I love your family pic! I can't believe how quickly kids grow up. Maya is simply adorable. Lyndsey, how do you manage to look even more incredible year after year with two kids in tow??!! Have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the heat wave we are having here in Texas! (77 today!)
Merry Christmas to you guys - I loved your Christmas card photo. So perfect of you guys. See you in the New Year and travel safe. We'll be on a plane with our two crazies in a few days as well. Good times!
LOVE it! Wishing you a Merry Christmas.....Htothe3
Love the latest family pic!!!
Have a Merry Christmas to you as well!!
And GOOD TRAVELS! Although I am a little worried about the "sans laptop" part.... :-)
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