I went into labor about 2pm last Tuesday—my actual due date. And I think it was probably a combo of my body just being ready, and the fact that my doctor stripped my membranes, which obviously got things jump started. Once I realized I was having actual contractions, I started timing them. My mom and dad, and Wes's mom and sister were all here preparing a dinner that we had planned to have. And Wes was outside trimming the Palo Verde tree. I went outside and told Wes I was having contractions, and that he should probably think about coming in and showering at some p0int. And then 2 hours later I went out and reiterated (with some fancy breathing interspersed) that he should probably come in and shower at some point. Hint. Hint. The tree ended up only getting half-trimmed that evening. Everyone enjoyed a nice family dinner while I ate a bowl of Crispix, because I wasn't about to eat a huge bowl of split pea soup and cornbread just before going to the hospital. I envisioned that possibly going badly in the future...
I washed my face, gave my self a manicure (of the simple variety), brushed my hair. Maybe that all sounds funny, but it was distracting, and I was dead set on not looking like death warmed over this time in all of my post-birth photos. (Let me just give a nod to Clinique waterproof mascara. That stuff stayed put for like 36 hours!!) Then I checked my hospital bag, double checked the diaper bag, and loaded up the car. I think Wes asked at one point if we could just go to bed and wake up and go into the hospital in the morning. True, I was probably going to have a long labor like last time. But seeing as I would rather labor all night somewhere that offered pain management, I headed for the car, not the bedroom.
It was totally empty at check-in and in triage. They started my IV. I was already dilated to a 5. They phoned my doctor to let him know. Wes started taking HD video of the events. (He's currently compiling that video. It was of course all very tastefully done—nothing too overt.) He took footage of the nurse finding my vein, Maya's galloping heartbeat on the monitor, the walk back to labor and delivery. We set up camp in the exceedingly nice/modern delivery room. My mom joined us, and plugged in my Sea Island Cotton wallflower from Bath and Body Works (trust me—a wonderful addition to any laboring woman's experience that even the nurses appreciated).
I let the nurse know that I did NOT want my epidural yet. We discussed the downfalls of my previous epidural 2 years ago, and she said no problemo. So then we waited and watched the monitor, and I f-o-c-u-s-e-d on the job at hand. The nurse was great. I was her only patient. She left me alone enough, and checked in enough. Wes attempted to sleep (on the really great couch-sized fold-down bed). I was totally into the Serenity Channel and the shots of the Grand Canyon with Native American flute music. I was able to really zone in on that TV screen and tough it out for quite a while. The only problem was that it didn't stay on that imagery the whole time. It switched to really annoying undersea adventures with coral and squids and flitting fish and new age music and bubbling volcano thingys... I found myself trying to envision the Grand Canyon set to wooden flute while I was staring at the fish. Wasn't really working out so well. BUZZ "What can we do for you?" "I think I am ready for that epidural now."
So about 30 minutes later they came in. "Sorry! There was another mother screaming for pain relief, and since you seem to be handling it so well, we helped her out first." I wanted to tell them, "I was screaming on the inside, ladies!!" Screaming always makes it worse, I think, so I would rather save my breath for, well, breathing. I opted for a walking epidural first. This was BLISSFUL! It immediately numbed everything in the middle. But I could feel my legs enough to still get up and use the restroom, if I needed. I relaxed. Dozed. When I woke up, the epidural was wearing off, and I went ahead and asked for the full epidural. Ahhh. More snoozing.
(My body doesn't progress well when I am in too much pain. And even though an epidural slows things down a bit, pain beyond a manageable point is a real setback. I am sure I would not have lived through childbirth in the olden days, simply because my body would refuse to dilate. Which is why I happily and shamelessly ask for the epidural.)
I woke up at 8am, feeling reallllly numb and sick. This is my only complaint about a full epidural. I hate how absolutely numb my legs get. But once I was awake, the epidural seemed to back off a bit because I was able to change positions (it effects how it runs through your system—so sleeping on my right side caused my right leg to be numb all the way into the late afternoon after Maya was born). Plus I figured I must be getting close, and didn't want them to come in and physically dial it down just in time to actually have the baby. Counterproductive. Around 9:30, my doctor came in, broke my water (yeah, I know—it was hanging on until the end and probably would have never broken on its own). He started some Pitocin to get things really going because if you do the math you can see I'd been in labor for quite a while by that point!
By 10:30 am I was 9.5 cm, and my Mom and I were doing 2 minute mysteries (a book of short mysteries you have to solve from clues in the text). I remember they checked me again, and left the room. Suddenly the nurse walked in with "the cart" full of the blue drapes and silver important-looking objects. I said, "Wait—Wes has to hear this 2 minute mystery about the filmmaker who catches the death of the model on film!" And the nurse said,"You're at a 10, don't move, we have to call the doctor. Whatever you do don't push." And my Mom says, "Is this imminent? Like she's going to have the baby right now?" The nurse looked at us and says, "Yes. The baby will be here in about 20 minutes." Put those 2 minute mysteries away and call the other grandparents, for goodness sakes! So as I was not pushing, the doctor was being called again, and Wes was trying to figure out the best way to be helpful to me while filming (discreetly) at the same time. Doctor Huish arrived, and 2 easy contractions later Maya was born! No sweat! It was way easier than I was fearing. Didn't feel a thing. She immediately started blowing raspberries, and they handed her right to me. It was so sweet. She was so warm! They had to make her cry a lot so that she would get nice and pink. She was perfect—little button nose, dark hair, fingernails ready for a French Manicure (how many labor/delivery posts include two mentions of the word "manicure..."). 6 lbs. 15 oz. 19.5 inches long. She had a bath, Wes videoed. My mom came back in and cried. Maya was handed over. I nursed her. She caught right on! We all beamed.

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so sweet. love her little hands clasped!
11 pounds 15 oz? A typo, to be sure. Congratulations!
Not sure how I got here, but congratulations to you!! The photo of Little Maya SMILING is stunning!!
Lovely! She is lovely!
Great job to the mum too.
Beautiful! I'm so happy for you all. Never feel shame for asking for pain relief. Everyone is different; everyone's labor, pain thresh hold, etc. Nobody gets a parade for skipping pain meds. And if is makes the experience better for mom, then it is the right choice. Good for you! I wish we lived closer. Miss you, love you.
I love reading birth stories! What wonderful photos too. Such a sweetheart! Get some rest!
What a wonderful labor & delivery story! I'm so glad everything went well for you and Maya. The photos are beautiful! And your words are poetic. Congrats to you, dear mommy of two!
Congratulations! So happy for you that she arrived all safe and sound. Nice that you got the delivery that you wanted too!
What a beautiful smile that girl has! She is amazing. Congratulations on one week!
That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing. As with any birth story I read, it brought tears to my eyes.
Did you know I love labor and delivery? I really do!
hey, i go to dr. huish, too. he's so nice.
she's just perfect, lyndsay. congratulations again!
I love that last part- "...I feel that I have always known her yet at the same time can't wait to get to know her. My Maya." So sweet.
She is perfect and I adore that last picture of her- pure happy bliss on that delicate angelic face!
I'm glad that it seemed this labor went a little easier for you- now it's over and done with so you don't have to have any more anxiety about it. Now you can just live in the moment. Enjoy!
Great Birth story Lynds! Can't wait to see the movie--but they say the book is always better, right?; )
She is just so precious and well worth all that hard work.
Ok, and I feel the exact same way about that serenity channel. Someone should tell them to just ditch those sea creatures...
Much love!
Beautiful. So glad that this labor was less eventful. I love the last picture. What a great moment just captured forever. John and I are dying over here because there is no doubt that Wes is the daddy :)
Thank you for sharing your birth story, it was wonderful. Maya is so cute!! The photo of her smiling is perfectly wonderful.
Have a great weekend x
Left you an award on my blog today!
I know you may not want this now with all the sleepless nights but I couldn't help it. I gave you a little award...just passing it along.
Have a glorious evening and squeeze those babies...they are both SO precious!
What a sweet little one! Your heart must be bursting! :)
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