My hands are a wreck. They look like I have been doing hard labor out on the farm, or at the steel mill, for that matter! My nails are bitten down to stubbies (I didn't bite them my entire pregnancy). I have multiple hang nails that, for whatever reason, I continue to pick at until they bleed (a habit I have never engaged in ever, so beats me!), and quite a few small wounds (a box cutter is mostly to blame). At least I can get my wedding rings back on again! It might be the only pretty thing going on below my elbows. I am trying to take care of my hands, but it's difficult when you have other things that need more attention, of course!
I can guarantee Maya doesn't care what new shade of perfect petal pink is the hot new nail polish color for spring. All she cares about is that my hands are readily available for rocking, soothing, holding, burping, changing, swaddling, and loving. Finn doesn't care if my cuticles are way out of control. All he cares about it that I can fit my dainty nubbins behind the bed to grab his lost Lightening McQueen, hold his hand to go check the mailbox, tear the bread to feed the ducks, clap at his antics, and be ready to tickle, bathe, carry, squeeze, and snuggle him.
So if anyone feels the need to take pity on my poor paws, please do come and hold Maya while I soak them in warm water and lavendar oil. But until then, these Mom Hands will be busy cooking, washing, playing, caring, and of course a little blogging.

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I agree with Pink Slippers... Amen!
UGH, I know what you mean! My hands got so dry after Gavin was born (mostly from washing after all the diaper changes) that my knuckles cracked and bleed when I bent them.
I just gave my hands a bit of TLC last night. I have some great Neutrogena mineral oil that I let soak in around my cuticles and fingers while I watched a tv show, then I followed up with my favorite Curel lotion after that. My hands looked fab-u-lous this morning. But, by noon they were back to looking shabby. Too much hand washing and biting at my cuticles, I guess. I guess I need to try the oil/lotion routine more regularly.
All my best to you as you heal your hands, too!
embrace your mom hands. when my daughter was in the nicu we had to scrub up to our elbows every time we would enter. needless to say my hands were bloodied and blistered after 8 weeks of daily visits. but i knew the more blistered they became the closer we were to going home. you couldn't have said it any better about the gift of "mom hands" to our children.
I love this blog - it's just really sweet. :)
i totally have mom hands..i like em.
I have a 5 month old - my hands are the same way. I just bought and tried "Look Ma, new hands" by Bath and Body. It's a fantastic lotion that has paraffin in it. There's a saltscrub by the same line too. Works great.
I've gotten to the point that I don't even try anymore...they hurt like heck, chapped, cuts, short nails...
a good manicure lasts a day, then I have to go spread mulch, or make a paper-mache bunny head, or cut myself chopping carrots...
not worth it.
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