Finn hates a diaper lately. He prefers the buff. In this case, he ran and HID in his tunnel. Cutest. Ever.

My sis-in-law Tiffany posted this photo on her blog, and I was cracking up. I totally remember the exact moment this was taken, and I had to post it so I wouldn't forget about it. When I am pregnant, I have CRAZY dreams (yes, Wes, even crazier than usual...and you're still sure to hear about every one). In this picture I am telling my mom about one of them (it's Christmas Day). So I dreamed I was at the hospital with three other pregnant ladies. We were in a room like a squash court with bleachers on one side. And! Oh this is good. We were supposed to be having our babies with all of our friends and families there to share in the joyous event. All of them. In bleachers. Um, H-E-DoubleHockeyStick NO! The other ladies had their babies quickly and discreetly, and I wasn't even in labor. So in the photo I am describing the part of the dream where I am ordering the hospital staff that they had better turn my freakin' bed around to face the wall if they think I am going to give birth in this room! (Not to mention the fact that they were forcing me to spontaneously go into labor.) Anyhoo, you get the gist. Fun times.
My mom is being the joyous crowd, I think. :)
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I miss your dream stories. And I decided that we need to nominate your house for that contest in Cookie magazine that NieNie won - your house is amazing!
I think I would cry if that many people were there to watch me give birth. Seriously with Peyton, ONLY Troy was in the room with me. His Mom was dieing to be in there too but I thought that was pretty weird (considering my own Mom wasn't even there!). What a stressful dream! Those are the kind of dreams where you wake up with your heart pounding like someone has been chasing you. Hopefully that one won't be a repeat {aren't those the worst?!}
P.S. I love your dress! That's a cute color on you.
Ah I havent seen you in forever you look absolutely gorgeous pregnant, it's so un fair!! :)
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