I have good friend (who I hope doesn't mind that I am sharing this story publicly), had an experience that really struck me. She said she was having feelings of inadequacy because she was comparing herself to another mother who had a perfectly spotless home and seemingly perfect children. (I would like to note that my friend is a wonderful mother to three darling and energetic boys. Her house is always welcoming and much cleaner than she thinks it is! Really, not just for the sake of the blog.) So she decided that because she was feeling diminished that she would do what is actually not the easiest thing to do when you are feeling down on your self. Pray. She asked why Heavenly Father couldn't have just made her like the other mother—perfectly organized and totally put together. Wouldn't it have just been easier to make two of HER? And as she was praying about it, she got the most amazing personal witness that everyone has unique and individual things that they offer. And these things are exactly what make her ADORABLE to her Heavenly Father. What a wonderful realization, that we are all adorable not in spite of our unique and sometimes quirky traits, but because of them. (And man have I got some quirky traits.) How boring would it be if we all had spotless homes and robotically prefect children (hello, Stepford Wives)?!
In President Uchtdorf's talk, he states that we are all—every woman—daughters of our Heavenly Father with INFINITE WORTH. All of us experience feelings of unworthiness, even when we seem to be trying our hardest. None of our trials are insignificant, and there are ways to to find hope and peace and joy in times of distress. God's greatest happiness is our happiness. He actually says that every woman is critically important to God. Critically important!
We all have an inherent wish to create. When we create something from nothing, there is a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. That doesn't mean we all are artists in the typical sense, or amazing chefs, or have other typically obvious, tangible "creative" talents. Some of us do have those abilities. But others have valuable and vital talents in some other capacity, and often we don't recognize them or cultivate them. We may excel at our career, or are very organized, great speakers, or peace-makers. Making a smile appear on some one's face is a creative talent. President Uchtdorf says, "Don't let fear of failure discourage you from creating." He says not to listen to the critics—whether that voice comes from the outside or in.
I know that women have great worth—that we are cherished and prized by our Heavenly Father. I will try better to admire, not covet, the talents of other women, and also recognize and work on more of my own. To hear President Uchtdorf's talk (much more powerful to hear it spoken than if you just read it), visit HERE for the broadcast.
I don't often post lengthy spiritual thoughts, but it's Sunday, after all! To read more about just how important a role a woman played following the Resurrection of the Savior, check out this link from the New Testament: John 20
As Wes would say, "Happy Sabbath!"
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Thank you for sharing that. I wasn't able to make it but needed to read that.
*Sniff sniff* That's so true! I loved that talk too. I felt like it was just for me, but I'll share it with you if you like. ;)
Beautifully expressed. I loved womens' conference and this post filled my lamp a bit as well. I hope you are feeling great these days. When I get home, we need to have a pregger ladys' lunch...Dessert is in order!
The above comment was me. I keep forgetting I'm at my sisters house and her girls are always signed in as Hoopchicks...
I loved conference too. I actually really loved the RS Pres's talk about the purpose of RS. I think we often think of the other women in RS as our competition instead of our sisters. We think we are being judged or felt sorry for when a sister is trying to serve us. We waste so much time comparing ourselves to each other when we ought to just recognize our collective strength and goodness. We can learn from, support, and empower each other while also relating to each others trials. RS really is the greatest women's organization in the world!
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