Wes isn't overly convinced yet that these little puffy overalls are the best look for Finn. But I did "boy them up" a bit with some brown sporty shoes. I think it's a fab, and rather European, look for him. So my parents have been in town over the past week (hence the blogging hiatus...more to come on that visit in another blog), and Finn had lots of opportunities to miss naps in lieu of kisses and play time. So yesterday, after my parents left for Texas again, Finn took a 4 HOUR NAP...in the middle of the afternoon. Can you guess what that lead to? That's right--Finn wide awake at midnight and me bouncing, feeding and rocking Finn in the dark until 2am trying to convince him that sleep was still the best option. It was a throw back to his newborn days. But how can I be exasperated when he is so cute?! The overalls won me over. :)
Wes isn't overly convinced yet that these little puffy overalls are the best look for Finn. But I did "boy them up" a bit with some brown sporty shoes. I think it's a fab, and rather European, look for him. So my parents have been in town over the past week (hence the blogging hiatus...more to come on that visit in another blog), and Finn had lots of opportunities to miss naps in lieu of kisses and play time. So yesterday, after my parents left for Texas again, Finn took a 4 HOUR NAP...in the middle of the afternoon. Can you guess what that lead to? That's right--Finn wide awake at midnight and me bouncing, feeding and rocking Finn in the dark until 2am trying to convince him that sleep was still the best option. It was a throw back to his newborn days. But how can I be exasperated when he is so cute?! The overalls won me over. :)
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