Woah, woah, woah. Back up, Lyndsay. Just the other day you were ranting about how the last thing you are capable of doing is homeschooling, while picking up the house in a fit of exasperation, trying to calm screaming children. Don't you think adding one more thing to your plate might just send you over the edge. Yes? Hello?
Yes, this is true. I did a little panicking, then Wes and my mom did a little encouraging (and cheerleading). And I cleared some things off my plate (bye-bye blog design...wasn't really that sad to see you go). And voila! I am Finn's new teacher for a year. School is now in session. While I don't think I can handle more than just Finn (I am sure even that will prove to be difficult some days), I know I can make this work for us. Finn's already a social little bug, so I'm not worried about that. And he helped set up his new pint-sized easel, table, and chairs courtesy of Ikea. I ordered a curriculum online from ABC Home Preschool (just the download version). Today we did letters, numbers, arts and crafts, puzzles, and talked about emotions. Finn had a great first day. Here is the proof:

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THIS is what motherhood is about! We do what we have to for our littles when and where it needs to be done. Kudos to you, Lindsay! You will do great.
Good luck! I'm sure you will make a great teacher for Finn. Luke is starting Preschool Sept. 1st. OUr public school offers a 2-day morning program for 3-year-olds. I still have to pay tuition, but it is reasonable—$115 a month. I can't wait for some more updates!
What preschool curriculum did you order? Please share :)
I ordered my curriculum from ABC Home Preschool. Their could be better ones out there. But this included everything I wanted Finn to learn. And it was all done for me. I needed something I didn't have to develop myself, with minimal planning involved, that fit into a daily schedule. This worked out great today. Finn really liked the structure, and even tried to write and trace the letters an numbers. I was impressed. I ordered the download version to save a heap of money:
I love that abacus from Ikea. I wish my girls loved it as much as me. They NEVER play with it.
Yay for doing the right thing! I think it will be fantastic for both of you. And little Maya just might pick up on everything too. He looked like he had a great first day.
I used to love doing 'circle time' with Kaia each day. We would just sit in our own little circle and sing a bunch of songs. It helped make the day go by faster until daddy came home too.
Can't wait to see more. Nice job, Mommy!
Good for you! That's awesome! And I love the surprise expression... especially with that hand on his heart!
So impressed with you Lyndsay! Hope you continue to update us! And selfishly, I am SO glad you just redid my blog before you had to set aside that part of your day! :) Fabulous photos, as usual!
good for you!
My oldest is 5 and I held him back this year from kindergarten. He is just about to start his first year in preschool, two days a week, four hours a day. I did "mommy school" last year with both my boys. It was just two days a week, one hour each day. We learned a new letter and number each week and had a theme for the month. I probably was quite as organized as a homeschooling program but the boys loved it. I will try to do something similar this year with my youngest.
good luck!
I love his faces! You are amazing for teaching Finn yourself. Thanks for the good info. Good luck you can do it!
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