I am leaving in one week for my brother's wedding in Greece. And I am leaving my little family here in America. It's bittersweet. Good thing these invisible strings that attach us are either really stretchy or really long!

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I took my 4 year old to see Toy Story 3 in 3D - his first "movie-theater-movie" as well. He liked it until the monkey scene and the fire scene! Then he was scared and crying :(. I'm glad your {and his} experience was better!!!
I think they're both stretchy and long. You'll be fine - I hope you have an amazing time and I hope Wes survives! ha!
Hi Lyndsay,
I tried to e-mail you but it wasn't going through so I thought I'd get you here!
I wanted to check about getting a blog design. I love your style.
Have a great time in Greece. I love it there! I'm sure the kiddos will be fine but it's always hard, I know. The strings are super stretchy and really durable!
What an adorable pic of you too! I haven't braved the threater with the boys yet. I'm waiting for Gavin to be old enough to go and then make it a family event. Have fun in Greece and tell the parents I send my love.
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