Travel Town from Wes Johnson on Vimeo.
Feel free to share this! He has some other really fun viedos on his Vimeo site. Powerline Flyers (HERE) has had some great world-wide exposure.

Travel Town from Wes Johnson on Vimeo.
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I LOVE this. It's my most favorite thing I've seen on the web for a long time. I think it's the music, your family, the's just so fun and so perfect. I could watch this over and over and it would get rid of any bad mood. Thank you!
That was amazing!!
Well done, Wes!
And you too, Lyndsay. It's hard to keep two little kids INSIDE a moving train all by yourself. :)
How fun...what a talented hubby :)
love love love love this. He's so talented. And i love powerline flyers. :)
Loved this!!!!! The music, the colors, the faces. I felt like I was watching a foreign film (which is one of my passions). I just can't wait to see what becomes of Wes. Plus I'm super excited to say (one day as he accepts his Academy Award) "That guy inspired my son with his love for mini's, Iceland, and film!!!"
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