• We've been sick. I am over it. But Finn and Maya are still wrapping things up. Their runny noses are hanging in there, but they seem to feel fine otherwise. Burbank crowd, I am here for another week and a half. Let's play (as soon as we're back to 100% in a few days).
• Mesa crowd, I will be in Mesa from the 28th-2nd. I would love to have a park play date while I am there so that I can see you!! We'll be in touch.
• I'll be in Texas until April 21st. Granbury crowd, well, you generously arranged all of this, and therefore know all the details.
• I have my computer back. That's right! It's back. I am still not doing any custom design work. Please don't e-mail me asking me to redesign your blog as a totally custom creation, or to look just like Stephanie Nielson's blog, or Angela Henrie's blog, or something new of your own imaginings. I know. I am such a meanie (did I just lose a follower?). As much as I LOVE comments and e-mails, and as much as I LOVE designing, I just can't take on ANY design work right now. I have an unbelievably busy husband who is literally in school 14+ hours every single day of every single week (he is even giving up his well-earned Spring Break to take on a photo job to help pay for this crazy-busy-but-totally-worth-it school of his). So you see, I just have no spare hours in the day to do any custom design work (among other things). BUT! You can visit Beautify My Blog to freshen up your blog with ready made designs. I added new seasonal designs, too. AND! We have a new shop called Beautify My Life with designs and products inspired by our blog designs. So check it out! See some of the items we offer, below. Click on the logo to visit the shop:

OK. I'm off to unpack. HA! (Well, my cool weather clothes, at least...)

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Yay! I would love to see you...I don't know if I'm part of the Mesa crowd but can I be please?! Feel better, and I'm glad you put your foot down to taking on no more work. You sure are a busy lady!
Sorry your plans all got changed...but sounds like this trip will be a bit longer!!
Loved all the 'down to business' of this post. Way to multi-task. Didn't lose a follower (or friend) here!
Holy Cow! Why or why am i on hiatus??? I want one of every baby onsie and toddler tshirt you have AND the blue and red beetle tote bag. LOVE them!
And I'm glad you're around a little longer. I'll call you tomorrow to bring back the coupe and maybe we can make some plans for the next few days.
Yea! I want to see you guys! We will of course be around from the 28th-2nd. Park time!
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