• A Florida license plate with a huge Great White shark leaping up to devour the letters/numbers. It was the most Xtreme real license plate I've seen yet. And it was on a brown Astro Van from possibly the 80s. Awesome.
• A spider going after a snail on the outside of my living room window. It was a very small spider. But then again, that was one very s-l-o-w snail. Time will only tell their fate.
• A woman (mom? daycare provider?) wearing an infant in a baby bjorn carrier, pushing a single stroller, and pulling 2 small kids in these little plastic car/carts that were hooked together like a little train. Wearing a back brace. Across a busy intersection. Up hill. I suddenly felt very able to handle my current circumstances when I witnessed that.
Fun to get out and see the world! I need to get out more...

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I don't know why, but this reminded me about book I read today wherein she describes this scene from a movie about an alien playing an organ in an insane asylum. Odd combinations...
Wow. I wish there was an accompanying pic of that license plate, I want to see that! And I'm thinking how that mom hurt her back might be pretty self-explanatory, hmm?
Ouch. I feel more sorry for the lady than the snail, I fear.
It reminds me of the time I tried to run with hubby. He is much too fast, of course, so I wore my roller blades. (Who wouldn't?) And he was pushing the 2 kids in the double joggling stroller...but then we came to this SUPER steep hill...and I STILL couldn't keep up. So I hung onto the back of his shirt and let him drag me up. The cars passing by got a good laugh out of seeing a man haul his WHOLE FAMILY up urban Mt. Fugi.
seriously, my like is a cake walk compared to that womans!
It's amazing .... all the things going on around us every day. I wish I could have seen the Astro Van -- you know how I feel about a good license plate!!! Awesome!!
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