Tiffany has a real gift when it comes to cakes. She is an excellent chef all around. But her cakes really blow me away! They are 5 star restaurant quality. She could go in to business! My sweet tooth might single-handedly support her...
So here is the challenge, Tippay. And it's a pink one! :)

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That cake looks so good!
If Tiffany makes it, I will help you eat it. ;)
That is the prettiest cake!
Send me the recipe. I am ready to make pink ruffle cake this instant! (actually I'm at work, but definitely right after that)
Also, thank you for your compliments to my cakes.
Even if Marie Antoinette did not actually say "Let them eat cake" it is still a good motto, oui?
Thanks for being an excellent cake tester!
Hi,Lyndsay! My name is Roxanne. I just found your blog a few day ago, while on a blog stroll. I love it! I hope you don't mind if I add you to my blog list. I also like Lickable Spoon and would love to submit a few favorites. One problem, after typing and submiting my favorite Chocolate Pie, my server blocked it??? Could I email it?...or would that create trouble for you? Thanks!
Ohhh fabulous! When Tiffy makes the cake call me over and I will have you down it a peice at a time! :) Mmmm!
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