Speaking of the guest room, Maya and I will be having a sleep-over in there tonight. Poor Finn has been throwing up, etc. all evening (he's been sick for a few days now, but it turned into this tonight). So sad. We all thought it best to split up. Finn wants to be in our bed with Dad, and Maya and I will be hanging out girl-style in the guest room. That way she won't wake Finn, and Finn hopefully won't pass on his bug. I admit I am not handling it all that well. It brings up all the scary emotions I felt when he was so sick this past winter. Wes is pretty much doing 100% Finn duty, freeing me up for Maya, so I won't feel overwhelmed. I love him.
Goodnight, all!
Psssst! I heard a rumor that a giveaway is coming to town! I think it wants to camp out on my blog for a few days. Better come back tomorrow just to check and make sure!

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I am sorry to hear about Finn! That is a lot to go through with a new baby, and with post-traumatic stress from Finn's hard winter. Hugs!
Maya is beautiful.
Hope your boy will get well soon!
Nice patterns in the guest bedroom (is it the bedsheet?) and Maya's photo shoot ;-)
These photos of smiling Maya on the cool bed linen are great!
I hope Finn feels better soon.
Saskia x
oh lyndsay....i feel for you with your feelings of worry and concern over Finn. I know those feelings all too well. I hope you and Maya had a fun little girly sleep-over and I hope Finn is feeling better soon.
I miss emailing back and forth, even though is was mostly about projects. So glad you are keeping up on your blog! And every picture of Maya makes me yearn for another baby (probably because I can't get over how much she looks like Kaia did as a baby.) Please remind me how hard it really is!!! With Blake turning 7 years old this year, it would be a huge adjustment to go back to baby days.....but oh the scent of a baby and that super soft skin and the cute little clothes...and this would be your cue to remind me of the late night feedings....and the.........oh I think this is going to need to be a post on my own blog....my head is spinning!
Glad you are enjoying Maya!
I so hope Finn just has a regular little bug and heals very quickly. All my best to you guys as you stay healthy!
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