I stole these photos off of my friend, Mel's, blog. I told her at the time she was taking them that I would do that...so I did. I love the one of me brandishing the knife while Wes is unsuspectingly turned away, innocently grilling paninis. I also love how Finn is gripping Melanie's leg as if to say, "Please take me home with you!!" Robby, Melanie, and cute-as-a-button Gracie (age 3) came over for some panini-grillin' time this week. Finn is Gracie's brother from another mother. They are like little twins. They have the same temperament, same high spirits, and even similar little voices. They are really cute together. Not to mention that it makes me feel soooo much better to have a mom-friend who can 100% relate to every developmental stage that Finn is (loudly and destructively, albeit endearingly) moving through. Robby and Wes have been friends since Finn and Gracie's age. It's a fun time whenever we get those 2 together in the same room. I got a good dose of well-rounded laughter, good food, crazy kiddos, and great friends. Now if only we can find time to do it more often...

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Your home is gorgeous, I wish I could buy it! And also, you look amazing, I can't believe you just had a baby!
Lynds I always love your post-pregnancy look. Seriously you look so fine :) Rome and I are picking are brains trying to figure out a way we can buy your fabulous house. We never wanted to move out east, but we would in heartbeat for your place! I'll let you know!
hooray for that awesome night! remember when Gracie thought Finn's bumbo chair was a potty chair and she took it into the bathroom and peed in it? Then Robby tried furiously to clean and sanitize the mess before we could find out? That's my favorite story ever. Love you guys!
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