Guess who got an interview with AFI?! ------>

Wait wait wait. Back up. What's AFI? OK. In case you need an update, Wes, my photographer of a husband, has applied to film school. Not just any film school, but the
American Film Institute in L.A. (that's an important school). He is going to be a cinematographer. I say "going to be" because there is really no other option for him. That is what he is going to do. Not what he "wants" to do, or "one day will aspire to be." So the school to get him there is AFI, with a Masters in Cinematograhpy. He applied a few months ago, and has been agonizingly waiting to hear if he will get a call for an interview. Then it's another short wait to see if he's accepted. About 1000ish people apply to the Cinematography discipline each year, and only 20ish get accepted. Yikes. I have no idea how many they interview in person, but interviews happen during the course of one week, and that week is 2 weeks from now. And today he got a call for an interview!!!! Eeeeek! I can squeal with joy and delight, right? I mean, I will be squealing in delight even more when he gets accepted. But because of confusing e-mail wording, we both thought that the calls for interviews had ended. So it was very unexpected and exciting for him to receive a call today (which was actually the
first day they started to call for interveiws). It's nice to know that I don't have to feel totally baffled as to why they wouldn't want to bring him in for an interview. And I am so happy that his talent has been recognized. I truly hope Wes will continue to win them over, and he'll get a great phone call right around the time we get a great new baby girl.
Oh that's riiiiigggghhhht...... I am due to have a baby in the blink of an eye. I asked Wes what would happen if I went into labor early. Like on, oh say, the 3rd at 10am as he is sitting in front of a panel in California. His response? "Well, Ansel Adams missed the birth of two of his children," wink. Very funny, Wes. ;) I'm proud of you for making it this far.
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This is the BEST news! I will keep thinking good thoughts for him. :)
Yeah! Congrats to Wes! Super exciting. And bringing back some memories of my own when I was "expecting" Gavin to arrive. Guess who was trying to finish their thesis before all their credits expired? And do their these defense–in Rochester. Thank god for my mom. Hope everything works out and everyone gets what they want. cheers!
Oh that is exciting news! Let's just hope Baby girl waits to make her appearance on her due date! Wishing him luck.
Wow, congratulations to him on the interview! I hope it goes well x
Oh that is excellent news Lindsay! I hope he gets in! My husband Troy was blown away by his portfolio on his photography blog.
He said that any one of those pictures looks ready for a print ad! I think he would do outstanding with the moving picture too- he has such good understanding of color and light.
Tell him super good luck! I'm sure you're both on cloud nine!
How exciting for you guys! Congrats to Wes, and I sincerely hope your baby girl arrives just after Wes gets back! I'd hate to read a post that you had her Ansel Adams style!
Yay! congrats to you both. Every good photog/cinematog needs a stellar partner at their side to get where they are going: )
And if he is gone when baby decides to come, he won't be, but if so--please call me. I'd hold your hand and offer massage techniques through it!
Super exciting- you have more than every right to shout it from the rooftops in delight!! I love the art of cinema and from what I've seen of his pics, I think he'll be top notch. So happy for you guys...good luck with the interview (and with baby girl holding off)! :-)
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