Well, it's that time again—when I start going to el doctor every week for those "fun" checkups. So here is my update (mostly for me to look back on next time around when I am 36 weeks pregnant, to remember where I was this time around). I have been seeing my doctor's PA about this abdominal pain issue. But I saw my actual doc today. We talked about it for a while, and he felt all around for rib pain, muscle separations, etc. And guess what it is.
A torn ligament. (Red for emphasis...
ouch!) Seeing as I had this pain before with Finn, and it's worse this time, the tear is probably more pronounced (eeek). And the pain really isn't in my ribs, or touching my ribs, so he was pretty sure it's ligament related. This is all
caused by the pregnancy, but won't
affect it in any way. So even though I am in pain, there is nothing to worry about in terms of the baby being in trouble. I pleaded not to go past my due date, however, seeing as having to endure this pain for 4 more weeks will be trying enough. He agreed to that plan.
Big sigh of relief.Also, I am already 1.5 cm dilated, and 70% effaced. Hooray for that, because with Finn I didn't even start to dilate until I was actively in labor, and it took me hours just to get to 3 cm! I know that doesn't mean anything, really, just that my body is remembering what to do, which is nice. And I am definitiely keeping my fingers crossed for a labor that is under 24 hours this time...WELL under. :)
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that was a nice update. thanks...cuz you know we are all wondering! and I would say with the progress you have already made...not even being in early labor...you should be under 24 hours...just hold off on the epidural {if that is going to be your option} for as long as you can....at least until 5cm...to keep things moving nicely!
keep the updates coming! anytime a baby is coming...is exciting!
My fingers are crossed for you too. Praying for a short labor, and thanking god the pain isn't affecting the baby inside! Hurrah!
I'm glad to hear that they figured out what is causing the pain. Sorry that it is a torn ligament. I'm so excited for you guys, less then a month and little girl Johnson will be here.
That is good news. At least you know what it is and that the baby is ok. Congrats on the body knowing what to do. This is the home stretch. And my little Lincoln went for his check-up yesterday and his pneumonia is cleared up. whew! I feel better. And he does too.
Congrats on being on the home stretch - hang in there! u
Ouch! So much pain with the anticipation.
Wow! That just sounds so painful on top of dealing with just being pregnant! Hope u get better and yay for being dialated! How nice! You are almost there!
Ugh! Does that mean you went OVER 24 hours with Finn? Oh my goodness! From what everyone says {or at least TELLS me}, round two is much easier. I am definitely banking on that! I didn't have it too bad with Peyton though- I was able to have him without an epidural because the pain wasn't too too bad. I hope this go around will be easier for you!
Hey Lyndz, Glad to hear you are doing good. I had a horrible labor and delivery with Luke (13 hour labor with 3 hours of pushing.) Round 2 with Gavin was a piece of cake. 3 hours of labor and 3 pushes. The odds are in your favor. Can't wait to meet baby J.
It's so nice to know something is happeneing! I'm sure your labor this time will go much more quickly, and I'm sorry about the torn ligament- ouch!
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