I am 35 weeks and 3 days along (at least that is what my little sidebar ticker graphic says, so I am going with that). I spent all morning describing the most annoying and sometimes excruciating upper abdominal pain that I am experiencing to my doctor. I had the same thing with Finn. "It's under my right rib...it burns, no it feel like ripping...or a knife..." Great. "Well, Lyndsay, we have no idea what this is." Double Great. But since the pain is so much worse with this pregnancy, they did blood work today and an abdominal sonogram Monday (not to see baby, but to see kidneys, liver, gall bladder—which were all free and clear last time they did this 2 years ago). They prescribed some pain medication that is non-narcotic and will get me through until they figure out what's going on in there. But! It's on order until Monday. Oof. Tough it out a few more days. But Baby Girl is doing grand. She is fussing and squirming, getting too big for her little nest. She seems to be totally unaware of my discomfort. And I am reminded of this every time she sticks her little toes right up into my ribs. Double Oof.
And an update on Baby Girl's name. I know I have told a handful of people about the name decision. Well guess what—it's changed. People were having such an issue remembering the name or even with the pronunciation (among other things). And she would have had to correct people on the pronunciation her whole life (that's what we get for wanting to give our children Danish names). So we have a new, and equally, if not more, loved name for Baby Girl. And we are not disclosing it to anyone until she is here.
Except maybe Tiffany, who is really the only person besides ourselves who has been calling her loyally by initial said name. So she might need an adjustment period. Tiff, give me a ring. :)
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i can't believe how fantastic you look!
You ARE lovely! And sorry for the pain. Having doctors not be able to relate to your pain (or even explain it!) is one of the pains of pregnancy. Hey, did they check to see if one of your ribs is...er...cracking under the strain? That happens, sometimes, I've heard. Good luck!
PS Ultrasound news today...
Thanks for the information for my little guy. He seems to be getting much better.
Don't you love going for your pre-natal check-ups? After describing all your pains and problems they tell you --oh that's normal. I think--Thanks!
I so feel u on the discomforts! I am waddling around like a penguin and I can hardly sleep anymore! The heartburn! Ugg..all for a good cause, right? Just think, we are closer to the finish line! Yay!
Lyndsay you are simply beautiful. I want to know the name! I can keep a secret I promise!j/k...kinda. :)
You are the cutest little pregnant woman ever!
Oh wow, you can feel her feet poking your ribs? Pregnancy must be amazing! You look great btw : )
Oh...rib pain...painful.
Oh...new name...can't wait for the reveal and baby girl's arrival!
I can't wait to hear her name! Won't be too long now...
You look cute as a button!
We changed our babys name at 6 weeks. She originally was a Margot, but everyone pronounced the "T" (lame!) so we changed it to Kate- LOL!
Can we hear the OLD name?
Ahhhhh. The OLD name. It was Helena. It sounds like "Heleena." With a long second "e" (emphasis on the second part of the name). See all that explanation? I still have a fondness for that name, of course. But the new name is one that we initially loved, and had for whatever reason put on hold. So I am glad we rediscovered it. It really suits her, I can already tell. And everyone will know it in only a month's time!! :)
I had to comment -- I had that rib pain, too! It was bad with my first and worse with my second.
Then, it came back six months later when I was not pregnant. I'm not sure if it's the same thing that you have, but it sure sounds identical to my symptoms. I had every test in the book including ultrasounds of my heart and an MRI. It turned out to be costochondritis. The combination of the baby pushing everything up into your ribs and your looser joints causes ribs to rub which causes inflammation. The inflammation in turn causes the ribs to sort of shift out of place and pinch nerves. It's a bad cycle. I finally saw a really great chiropractor who realigned me and has me doing exercises to strengthen my upper back so that my ribs stay in place.
Good luck! You look amazing!
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