Since Baby Girl Johnson will be moving into Finn's very blue nursery, I thought she might want to have her own girly space in the crib. I have no plans to "girlify" the nursery. At all. Finn has a little toddler bed in there (not that he uses it...he still prefers to climb into the Big Bed with Mom and Dad). But once he is ready, he'll be all set to share a room with his sister for a while. I am a bassinet-using momma. B.G. (as my mom calls her) will be in the bassinet by my bed for the first 3 months, and then into the crib. I found the CUTEST bumper and sheet set when we went to a Boon open house here in Phoenix a few months ago. The new products come out early this year, so I am going to snatch them up as soon as they are available. And they will totally match the mod, albeit blue, nursery. And the bumper moves and promotes the ability to breathe through the soft grass. And they even had it displayed on the very crib I own. It's meant to be!
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Hi lyn finn wes
Happy New Year
So glad my little finn is doing
better and he is home,
I had a wonderful time at your mom
and dads at Thanksgiving it was
like old times in el paso
i go to your web site all the time
to see how your doing
Take care
love felicia
Hey Lynds!
I'm so happy to see that Finn is running around and getting excited about things. He's back to his enthusiastic lil' self again. Bravo!
I also loved the post about all the things you love about Wes. What a sweet couple you guys are.
And what a cute crib set!
That is adorable and will completely add a little touch of girly! The grass bumper is to die for!
I like the sort of safari feel this crib has to it. I can tell little girl will be an adventurer!
oh my gosh that is the cutest girly crib bedding I think I have ever seen. Good find!!
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