I haven't been blogging a lot lately, huh. ("Really, Lyndsay? You haven't? Do you think large pictures of voting buttons will fool us for long?!") Ho hum. Well, I am nesting. And not in the sense that 9 month pregnant women nest, but in the 4.5 months pregnant kind of a way. I have been organizing the freezer, stacking canned goods in my pantry, wrapping up all the loose ends of my custom design work into nice, finité packages, ironing much overdo laundry...there are a lot of little details being tended to in my big nest.
As far as my smaller nest goes, 4.5 doesn't seem like very many months when I type it out, but it's almost half way through a gestational period, I suppose. I started doing some prenatal yoga that had Wes laughing in my general direction (although he contends it was the quality of the video, and I am totally going to just believe him). I find out next Friday (weeeeeee!) if this is a Baby Aksel or Baby (Insert Appropriate and Cool Girl Name). I am stoked. Any bets? The Chinese Calendar bets girl...all 7 different websites. I can feel that little jumper swimming about. I have a definite bump now. I hope it's more of a bump-y look than a lumpy one. Everything in my closet was either entirely too small or 3 months too big. So I was happy to have a package of my old maternity clothes delivered back to me last night. I totally did an 11 pm fashion show to let Wes know that my baby-induced love handles don't show when I actually wear stretchy waste bands, as opposed to my pre-prego jeans with the hair tie around the button trick. Ahhhhh...now to grow larger gracefully.
And our king-sized nest has brand new 600 thread count sheets, and a new $50 pillow for Wes. Which he didn't like. So he gave it to me. Which I am allergic to....uh...anyone need a fabulous down pillow for $50? The tags were mysteriously cut off. And then it was slept on for a night. I am pretty sure Target doesn't take "slept on" as a return. Guess what else our king-sized nest still has? Finn. I know. I even bought this wonderful book (that I kept checking out from the library so many times that the librarian finally gave me the "other moms want to read this book, too" look). It worked like a charm the very first night. Finn, asleep in his bed, by 9pm! !!!!! But then the next night I was out late and Finn got to sleep with Dad in bed, of course. I woke up in the middle of the night with Finn snuggled up next to me. And I felt his little heart beating through my back, and my heart thumping against the bed, and the little fluttery heartbeat somewhere inside from 4.5 monther, and I just didn't have the heart to make him sleep in his bed.
Here's to nesting!
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You could try keeping a sleeping bag under your bed for him that he could pull out when he needs it and not even wake you up. We did that with Abbott and it REALLY helped. He eventually outgrew coming to our room, but the sleeping bag was a fixture for about 9 months.
I think Target will take the pillow back - I don't think they pay that much attention!
The Chinese calendar said I was having a girl too. Look how that turned out. Oh well. Hope you have a girl in your future. I'm excited to find out too! Funny how that nesting thing kicks in. I ripped out all of our front hedges and planted new trees and shrubs when I was 5-6 months pregnant with Gavin. Crazy I know! Mike wasn't thrilled with my behavior, but you know how it is when pregnant woman gets an idea in her head. There is NO stopping her.
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