You would think that this phrase would end with "carrots." But not in Finn's case! Finn has discovered 2 new favorite flavors as of today. Finn is a happy eater, as long as he is eating grown-up food in little Finn sizes. No baby food please, Mom. Today I discovered, quite by accident, that Finn LOVES sugar snap peas and marshmallows. And he eats them like this: Pea for me, pea for puppies...Marshmallow for me, marshmallow for me, marshmallow for me...pea for me, pea for puppies.... :) I couldn't believe he would eat them together like that, but whatever works, I guess. (And I don't plan to keep up the marshmallow habit, but I was eating them and Finn started yelling at me because I wasn't sharing.)
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Love it, love it, love it. That Finn is too dang cute. I love peas. And I love marshmellows. I knew we'd be friends!
Finn has awesome taste in food :)
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