Christmas Eve: Eye presents under the tree, snuggle, and eat home-made tamales (a Beauchamp tradition). Finn had his own chili pepper-free tamales made especially for him. Yum!

Christmas Day: Presents galore! Not only is it Christmas Day, but it's my Mom's Birthday, as well! So it's an extra-special day. Wes and my bro, Greg, got chopper flier thingys, and Finn got a whole slew of engaging baby delights.

Day after Christmas: Antique shopping in old downtown Granbury. I usually hate antique stores, but in Granbury they are not creepy in the least, and are quite charming! We made some fun purchases, and the weather was chilly, which made me cheerful!

Home again: Wes walked Finn around the airport to keep him happy. It worked inside the airport, but on the actual plane was another story. Let's just say the plane ride ended in Wes reminding an old lady that she was once a tiny tot that was probably a handful for her parents, as well (he was tactful...). And I made the general announcement as the plane was deboarding that Finn did great considering he has an ear infecition. :)

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Why are people so rotten about our kids being rotten? Do they think it's enjoyable for any of us! May that woman have coal in her stocking next Christmas!
Love the last picture!
Mmmm Tamales. I'm so jealous.
Seems like you had a super fun holiday in Granbury.
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