That's from La Danse Macabre (the elementary school lyrics, at least) that I DIDN'T get to listen to today. So you know that list of things I planned to do in celebration of Halloween? Well, none of it happened. I couldn't find my "Macabre" mix, which is the official Halloween CD I made 3 years ago. It's great! Looked everywhere—gone. So I settled for the "Harry Potter—Prizoner of Azkaban" soundtrack. Not a bad second choice. It did the job. Then I didn't have the Halloween pasta for lunch. But I DID get a nice cortisone shot in my butt at the allergist, and came home and napped through lunch, and didn't get to watch any movies. I didn't make it to the family Halloween party in Queen Creek, and didn't get to dress up again, either. But I did get to get
dolled up for a "farwell" party for Wes, who is officially not employed by The Arizona Republic as a fashion photographer as of today. He is setting out on his own. Hooray! More on that later. So I got to do my favorite orange eyeshadow routine:

And I wore a patent leather black belt and my pointy black shoes. Thoroughly Halloween, I say. Tonight we didn't go trick-or-treating, and hid from the trick-or-treaters at our door, b/c we forgot to buy candy. Wes is in a mad rush to get a portfolio completed to send to a client for a potential job. So I helped him with that, while little Finn crawled around and "talked" to the vacuum cleaner sitting in the dining room. Overall, not a bad night. :)
Here are some pics from the party we went to on Saturday night. I am Little Red Ridinghood, Finn is a little Monkey, and Wes is a Danish Construction Worker. Why Danish? Because all day long I said "You had better figure your costume out!" "Do you need help with a costume?" "We are leaving in an hour...COSTUME?!" "WES! C'MON!" And out he comes in this blue jumpsuit that someone gave him when he was in Denmark on his mission. "It's an authentic Danish construction worker suit!" he says. So there you go. He does this every Halloween—manages to procure a totally passable costume in the last 10 minutes before we leave. And they are always articles of clothing I have never seen in his possession in the 5 years I have known him!
Here we are at the Grandparents Johnson's before the party.
That basket doubles as a "diaper basket" hehe!
My monkeys!
Tiffany and I put some work into my costume.
There was a lot of attention to detail and some hand
sewing involved, even though it's hard to tell in this pic.
Bananas, please!
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So cute. Wow- only you can look Amazing with Bright orange eye shadow on :) And you a by far the cutest Little Red Riding hood ever. And I love your pet monkey....does he do tricks?!?
Love the eye shadow! Finn looks adorable! What a cute little dressed up family you have.
You guys all look great! I'm sorry you didn't get to do all the things you wanted, I never get it all in either. Congrats to Wes for going out all on his own though- that's exciting!
The orange eye shadow looks great! Looking at this picture makes me want to go back to a pixie type cut. You wear it very well. The red riding and monkey outfits are adorable. I just looked through your blog today and have to say your house is so gorgeous. I love the way you guys decorate. Great taste. BTW I found your blog from Melanie's (Robby's wife) who is my husband's cousin- you probably don't care. Anyways your hubby is a great photographer and once I read that he loves Wes Anderson as much as my hubby and me I figured I better leave a comment on here. :)
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